Skincare Essentials recommended by my esthetician.

So what are the skincare essentials that you should absolutely do every day for flawless skin?. I know sometimes, we can all feel overwhelmed by the number of skincare products that are now available on the market.

I recently got a facial done, and one of the questions I asked my esthetician was- the skincare essentials of having flawless skin?. I wanted to know the must-have products for any age group to have good skin.

Therefore, today I decided to go over some of the skincare essentials that can give you flawless skin. It does not matter what age you are, to get good looking skin, you need to follow at least a basic skincare regimen.  

My skincare regimen is linked here , if you are interested to pick up some products from my own regimen. It has seriously made all the difference in my skin.

I also did a skincare Q&A on my Instagram stories and asked my esthetician the questions you guys had. You can download it from my home page by entering your email or from the bottom of the page.

Here are the 5 skincare essentials for all skin types and for all ages. If you absolutely do not do any special treatments or use any special serums, you must still do these 5 things to have a good skincare regimen. 

  • SPF
  • Moisturize
  • Exfoliate
  • Vitamin C
  • Mask

You might have noticed I have not mentioned cleansing here, because I find that cleansing is pretty basic and everybody does it in one form or the other. 

skincare essentials

Skincare Essentials- Exfoliate: 

Exfoliating is something, I find that most people skip or overdo. But, you should never skip exfoliating. You constantly want to get rid of that build-up that is hiding in your pores, dead skin cells, and help the cell turnover process that naturally takes place in your body. This slows down as we age, therefore even if you are in your twenties you should not skip exfoliating. 

You can either choose from chemical or physical exfoliators. Chemical exfoliators work beneath the skin layer and penetrate deep into the skin. If you are just starting out with exfoliation, start with a physical exfoliator. I basically rotate between the two in my weekly skincare routine.

Exfoliate every other day with a gentle exfoliator like this one from Dermalogica. 

Here are some of my other favorite exfoliators:


I hear so many of my friends say they skip moisturizer because they have oily skin. Even if you have oily skin, you should not skip moisturizing your skin. Moisturizer protects your skin from the environmental stress. If you have oily skin and skip on the moisturizer, you are basically causing your skin to produce more oils. When you do not apply a moisturizer, your skin produces more oils so as to try and compensate for the hydration that your skin cells need. 

Therefore a moisturizer is a must for all skin types.

Shop all my favorite moisturizers below. 

Vitamin C: 

Vitamin C is a miracle ingredient for your skin. Vitamin C has so many benefits for your skin, but here are some of the most common ones: 

  • Brightens
  • Fights Free Radicals
  • Promotes Collagen Growth
  • Strengthens the skin barrier
  • Improves Skin tone and hyperpigmentation

I use a Vitamin C serum every single day in the morning.  There are so many products on the market that contain vitamin C as an ingredient, but there are only so many that are actually going to do something for your skin. So I would suggest buying a separate serum that has Vitamin C as the main ingredient. I am going to do a post all about vitamin C in the near future so make sure you subscribe to my blog, so that you do not miss that one. 

Here are some of my favorite Vitamin C serums: 


If you have been following me for a while, you know I am a big SPF advocate. I wear it even on rainy days. I don’t care if you skip your entire skincare morning routine, I would suggest for you to not skip on the SPF.

Again so many of my friends and family complain about the hyperpigmentation and the uneven texture, but are completely ignorant about the importance of daily use of SPF.  When you skip on sunscreen you are basically undoing all the care you have given to your skin. You are also causing it more harm due to the penetration of UVA and UVB rays.

I have a whole blog post going over the details and the importance of wearing sunscreen everyday. Check it out here. 

Here are my favorite sunscreens:

Skincare Essentials- Mask: 

I love a good mask. There is nothing that speaks more self care to me, than applying a good mask and treating my skin once/twice a week. 

Again, there are so many kinds of masks on the market, but if you only want to include some basic masks in your skincare regimen, I would suggest a purifying mask and a hydrating mask. 

Purifying masks helps to decongest the pores and the dead skin cells giving your skin a reset. Hydrating mask helps your skin with the moisture it needs. 

I love to multi-mask. I usually apply a purifying mask on my T-zone and a hydrating mask on my cheeks and rest of the face and neck and leave it on for 15 minutes. 

Here are my favorite masks: 

There you have it. The 5 skincare essentials for having a great brighter looking complexion. As I mentioned before, if you absolutely do not want an elaborate skincare routine, including the 5 products above will make sure, your skin gets everything it needs. 

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