Before few months, I turned 30!! I don’t know about you, but I love posts like this. It might not be considered “useful” but I think it’s kind of fun once in a while to take a break from resource-style content and use this platform to connect with you on an entirely different level.
That is the main reason why I started the series “Girl Talk Tuesday’s” because I feel the need to have a heart to heart conversation with so many of you out there.
I have so many things going on in my mind from the time I turned 30. So, I decided to have a conversation with you on how I actually feel after I turned 30.
I don’t even know where to start but, let me know if you have recently turned 30 and how do you feel about it?
Turning 30.
Age is just a number – at least that is what I believe in. Before I turned 30, my whole year of being 29, I was aware that I was in my last year of 20’s. So I said “make the most of it”. But, to be honest, the whole thing of age, time, etc.. is a construct for me. I don’t believe in it. I feel like your age should not dictate what you can and cannot do with your life.
For me anyway, the whole thing is made up, especially that you should reach a certain goal in life just because you are 30. That you cannot do certain things or start something new, only because “its not your age anymore”.
Also, I come from a family where my parents make the most out of life and don’t let their age force them to behave in a certain way. They are always ready for new experiences and are open-minded with the way my sister and I approach things.
I have never seen age as something to be scared of. Or, make a big deal about not reaching my goals by a certain age. For me, I can be 50 and still start my business and go to school, if I desire.
We are all ever-growing individuals and therefore our interests might change as we grow older and get exposed to new things and possibilities. There is nothing wrong with that. There is nothing wrong in not following a certain pattern that people around us have created.
I never felt the pressure till my last day of 29 and even on my birthday when I actually turned 30. But, now that few months have passed, I feel the pressure. Because, people around me talk about having less freedom once you turn 30, and about being stable, travel less and of course talk about the right time to have kids.
Yes to that..
The Pressure of having a Kid.
I never felt the pressure to have kids until three months. The question on everyone’s mind, it seems: “When are you going to have kids?” I had no idea what I was in for. There are many times I wish I could tell the people who ask this prying question about how I really feel. However, I usually try to take the high road by giving them a smile and a politely rehearsed answer: ” You will know when I have one”.
To all the people, who think I am choosing my career over kids, who think “I am too old” to have kids and my biological clock “is ticking”, to the people who always want an explanation, who think I am selfish, to the people who don’t know what else to talk about- I understand your concern. But, please stop asking.
You realize you are asking me to give you an approximate timeline of my life that I may not even know myself, right? I don’t ask for the timeline of your life every time I see you, so please stop asking for mine.
On a lighter note, I do love kids and hopefully one day that will happen. But, I do not appreciate the pressure from the people around me just because I am 30.
It makes me sad in a way because I feel the pressure. One side of me is all about exploring new things, having fun, and is trying to know myself more. And the other side of me is getting bothered by worrying about what others say and think, and if at all I should believe in what they think.
For me 20’s was the time where I grew in my career and made a lot of changes in my life, from moving to a different city to making new friends and learning about my interests, whether its blogging or traveling.
In my late 20’s to now, I am starting to feel more connected to my inner self, I feel more connected to who I am as an individual. But, I still want to have fun, travel and feel free to do what I desire.
Let me know if you have turned 30 and did you feel the same way? Did you feel like its good in one way because you are becoming wiser and happier and it’s bad in some ways because of the pressures of the society?
On the funny side of things- I still get asked for my ID everywhere I go lol, and how the mail delivery person once asked me if my parents were home haha..
But in all seriousness, one good thing that age has done for me is- I have taken charge of my life and learned to actually live the way I want to, rather than waiting for the right thing to happen. I feel more in control of my self and the opportunities that I have created by letting myself out from my comfort zone. Not being fearful of things that I once thought I cannot do.
I am at a better place right now than I was in my 20s. The things that I once wished for in my 20s are finally happening for me, and being at a certain age cannot take away the happiness I feel from it.