

Wedding Guest Dresses Under $100 that you need

Wedding season is upon us and I personally love it! This year I have a couple of weddings to go to, and I am more excited than usual because I love weddings, but due to the pandemic last year, none of us were able to attend the weddings. I thought you guys also might have some weddings to attend coming up for the warmer months. I rounded up some of my favorites dresses for you to wear as a Wedding Guest, that will have you covered.

Winter Neutrals: Wardrobe Essentials You Need

I thought to kick off the year with a post on Winter Neutrals since its officially winter now. I love a good winter neutral and if you follow me on Instagram, this should come off as a no surprise for you. It is so much easier to style clothes on a daily basis when you have a good collection of neutral staple pieces.

The Best Basic White T-shirts that won’t break the bank.

Being someone who wears white T-shirt’s year round, it’s about time I share my “tested and approved” take on white t-shirts. We all want that white t-shirt that isn’t sheer, has the best relaxed fit, and is the perfect length for a front tuck. And after years of trying different brands and styles, I’ve narrowed it down to four that I have on rotation.

My Current Favorite Summer Dresses from Asos.

Getting “dressed” lately has consisted mostly of putting on a clean pair of sweats. I am not going to lie, I really miss getting dressed and going places. I have always loved dressing up and as things start to reopen I may or may not be stocking up on a few summer dresses so I can make a true entrance when things finally get back to normal… Whenever that is.

Two ways to style slip dresses for winter:

I love to wear slip dresses in fall under a leather jacket with ankle boots or in winter even for the holidays. Recently I had an event to go to, and I wanted to wear something casual but still chic and different.

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Hi there! I am Stuti, and it is nice to meet you. Thank you for stopping by Stutilicious, a place where I share my passion for Fashion, Lifestyle, Travel, and all things that inspire me. Here is a little bit about my journey and what this blog means to me...